Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Week Without Walls-- India

So after a two year absence... not sure anyone even looks at this but...here goes :)

I have the opportunity to travel with a group of High-Schoolers and a few other adults to India from March 7-14. We will be landing in Hyderabad and then travelling a few hours outside of the city to a small, remote village (so small it's not even on google maps :)) While we're there we will be working at a school doing a variety of things (see below). Please keep us in your prayers throughout the week and I'll send an update when we get back. Thanks for your prayers!

1.Pray for the health, safety, and stamina of all team members as they put in a full work week of labor projects, teaching, and loving on the students of the Alethia Banjara School

2. Pray for the Banjara people, that our presence and time would encourage and support the ongoing ministry of Srinivas and his family to the students, and village as a whole.

3.  Pray for clarity and understanding as we teach several Bible stories, that the hearts of the children would prove to be soft and fertile soil for the Truth.  Isaiah 55 tells us that His word will not return void, and instead will accomplish all of His purposes.  

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