Sunday, January 31, 2010

100 days

Friday was the 100th day of was crazy busy...but lots of fun...
we did all sorts of things that had to do with the number 100....
 we colored it...
did 100 exercises...
 Ate 100 snacks...well i'm pretty sure they didn't all get eaten...
Made crowns with 100 stamps....
Made 100 piece necklaces...
and got to wear shirts with 100 things on them...

Friday, January 29, 2010

What is it?

ahh the joys of teaching three and four year olds...a creature was in the drain the other day...all but one of my students was bringing rocks and leaves and sticks in hopes of crushing it the other one "I'm trying to make it live" but needless to say it kept them greatly entertained for many minutes during recess...

 When he was first discovered there were no rocks or leaves in the drain...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

can you see it?

on the way to the mall on wednesday we walked by a tree and i saw something moving on americaness assumed it was a squirrel or something furry like that, but it kept disappearing on me so i got closer and realized it was a lizard...and of course i had to take can you see it on the photo below?

 it's there...hard to see... see below for another pic of it...

 it would bounce on it's front paws...shoot out this yellow beak like looking flap and also puff out it's sides...and occasionally scoop up an ant crawling up the tree with it's long tongue...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pics of busy day part 2...

so here's a collage from the girls game...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


this weeks challenge over at i heart faces is all about texture, now i'm still trying to figure out photoshop...really i know nothing about it...but i do love the texture in this man's know he has stories to tell...

click the button below to check out other entries....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pics of busy day part 1...

here's a sampling of photos from the boy's was a great game...they lost, but they played hard...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

busy day...

well it's been a busy day shall be coming...they're on the camera still...

started early with two championship basketball games...girls won!!! boys lost by 3...both were great games...the team our boys played had beaten every other team in the league by 20+ points...and our boys and girls both played amazing!!! good job...

then off to a delicious lunch at chili' the quesadilla explosion salad...not as good as hrc's chicken chef...but still good :)

then a quick stop at home and off to a 1/2 birthday surprise party...loads of fun again :) Jenn and Alicia's birthdays are in the summer...we're not all together then so we decided to surprise them now :) had great fun giving them 1/2 gifts and eating 1/2 snacks...

then finished up the evening with grey's :) yea for two new episodes...

and now it's late i must sleep...

Friday, January 22, 2010

hands, feet, and volcanos

what a busy day... we painted hands and feet and washed each others feet,

then we made a volcano...

mix the dough

add baking soda and vinegar

watch it explode!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's all about perspective...

These two pics remind me how small yet big four year olds are.

I love making my students look larger than life... I shot this one from below

and smaller than life...This one was also taken low, but my subject was much farther away,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

skirts and jumpers!

Exciting...the girls in JrK and K can wear skirts and jumpers as part of their uniforms!!! I love that they have another choice...don't they look cute? :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A normal scene

for some reason a favorite thing to do is to empty the cupboards and drawers of all the food, dishes, pots, pans, and cutlery and put it all on the table. go figure... at least they're pretty good a cleaning up too :)

A new year, A new class

This is my class.
16 little darlings.
Standing still is hard.
I'm in it too that's rare.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two cute boys...

so i spent my night watching these two cute boys...

they're hard to capture together...but they sure are cute...Jadon in khaki and Ethan in red

want to see more pics of them check it out here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Best Face Photo

I took this during our December birthday's celebration. These three lovely faces all have a birthday in December.

I ♥ Faces is celebrating their 1st birthday...I thought it would be fitting to enter a birthday celebration photo for the contest....check out other entries at or click the button below.